Wednesday, March 19, 2014


It's a damn good thing Michael has a good job and health insurance because I've been spending a lot of time at Kaiser lately.

Two days ago, I went to pick up the kids camp forms from their doctor. They each needed a written assessment to send in.

Yesterday, I went to the spine clinic as a follow up to a second MRI on my back.  It was fairly depressing even though she showed me clearly on the MRI where my vertebraes are narrowing and out of line and where my discs are bulging (not good).  But she also said things like, you need to lose weight (duh) and we'll get you in physical therapy (which I told her didn't work.) So....on Thursday next week, I'm going to have a steroid injection in my spine. Risks include death and paralysis so I'm pretty excited about it (not). My back is so bad lately that I pretty much don't have many options left. She wrote on the notes "delay consideration of back surgery" so I guess there is still that option. Michael has to go with me and then deal with the kids the rest of the day which should be challenging with swim team/baseball, gymnastics and theatre class drop offs and pick ups.

On Tuesday, I go to the knee clinic for my patella thing. I doubt they will tell me anything useful, but it's the first step in getting any treatment.

On Wednesday, Michael and I take Parker in for a behavior assessment. His teacher was "concerned" about his "anxiety" (hand/finger sucking) and we are all a little concerned about his in ability to follow simply instructions or remember basic things like to change his underwear, bring his equipment home, turn his homework in and many, many other things. He can remember all 28 seasons of Survivor, who won and what the tribe names are, but he can't remember to take his backpack when he walks out the door. I spoke to a therapist and they want to "rule out ADD". Not sure we will, but we shall see.

I'm also back to having major sleep issues and my trusty Advil PM has very unpleasant bootie side effects.

Getting old sucks.

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