Monday, March 10, 2014


Parker has expressed a desire to not continue with piano lessons. He says its just too much practicing. I'm ok with him stopping, but Michael is not. He just did his level four certificate of merit, which I hear for a 9 year old is pretty good.  We talked it over and then discussed with Parker and agreed to give him a break for a month or so. We thought this was a better approach then potentially creating a situation where he hated piano or resented practicing.

While Parker is taking a break, Elizabeth is going to start lessons. At first she was not thrilled to hear this news, but then she seemed excited and started asking lots of questions about it.  Miranda will not be left out, but she will start guitar lessons something that Michael thought she would be interested in and good at and something that she herself has expressed interest in.

So...we'll see how that all goes.  Parker has already played the piano once during his "break" and I'm sure he will again.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Love it! Love it! Love it!