Saturday, December 02, 2006

Random crap

In no particular order...

1.) Uncle David came to visit yesterday. I was worried that Parker wouldn't take to him as he was a bit nervous with him in Los Angeles. But my worries were without merit. Almost immedately, he said Uncle David and then almost demanded his full attention; holding his hand, reading to him, playing him, running on the bridge with him. Poor Uncle David.

2.) Gave the girls a bath today and Elizabeth is looking positively chunky. Quite the baby fat coming on that girl.

3.) Parker found a pacificer and walked over to the girls and handed it to Miranda. He was confused when she didn't reach down and pick it up.

4.) I was reading books to Parker before his nap today and there were about 6 books lined up. There was one that was quite long, so when he wasn't looking, I dropped it to the ground effectively taking it out of the line up...or so I thought. When we had one book left, he said, "Read it." and pointed to the ground. I tried to act confused but that also failed since he jumped down, got the book and handed it to me. Ah well.

5.) My good pal Kirsten baby sat for us last night. We put all the kidlets to bed and then scooted out for a dinner, hot tub and Fentons (local cremery). We prepared her for the worst (crying babies, awake and freaked out Parker, total chaos). She was unfased and told us to leave. We got back a few hours later and she said it was totally uneventful. No one made a peep. She read/watched tv/web surfed the whole time. How boring. We thanked her with ice cream and she left. 30 minutes later Parker woke up screaming and didn't go back to sleep for hours. Lucky Kirsten.

6.) The cats seem to be enjoying life these days. They won't, however, get near the fake fur blanket Michael bought me. They avoid it like it is alive.

7.) Miranda pulled another 8 hour stretch last night. I love that girl.

8.) I've gotten my back up milk supply up to 16 bags. I'm aiming for at least 3 days supply to be on hand at any given time. That means about 36 bags.

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