Monday, December 04, 2006

Sunday morning with dad

Rachel and Parker were off on an adventure, so it was just me and the gals. Here's Elizabeth making quick work of 4.5 ounces.

Miranda only had a couple of ounces before it was time to relax a bit. She is a nosher.

The trick with managing twins alone is always having a place to put one while you deal with the other.

Any place will do

You would not believe how quickly they fill this thing up.

The gals get to stretch out a bit more when Parker's not here. He seems pretty careful around them, but you never know when a stray ball might come barreling along.

Finishing her breakfast.

Not always, but generally this is the most mellow baby in the known universe.

The rule of thumb is that if they've been awake for an hour, it's about time to start putting them down again. Elizabeth gives me a thumbs up before I finish her swaddle.

And off they go.

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