Sunday, May 27, 2007

Boy, did we do it.

After great naps yesterday, the night was a nightmare. Parker woke up screaming at 3am. After realizing quickly he would not go back to sleep, we took him into our bed. Which did absolutely nothing. He stayed awake, flipping and flopping, talking and humming, futzing and turning until 5:30am when I gave up and brought him and the marble game to the living room. He was happy until 6 and then had a full-on massive tantrum about what breakfast ceral he was going to eat or not eat. He screamed for about 30 minutes until Dad ended it by cuddling with him.

Oh, I forgot, after the 3am nonsense, Mo (we are trying a new nickname) woke up crying and as soon as she was back asleep around 4, Eli woke up. Michael tried to pop the pacifier back in to quiet her down, but then realized she was peed-up and her jammies, sheets and blankets all needed changing. Eli did not like all that and let it be known. So, by the time she was back asleep, Parker's screaming had begun.

Good times.

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