Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Marble game

Parker has been an avid marble game player since he got a marble run for christmas, but only recently has he shown real skill and design savvy in building his own runs. Lately he has been contructing minimalist towers, which makes for an interesting aesthetic and a pretty quick marble run.

The other day he built one that he could only reach the top of by standing on his tiptoes. Eventually this one suffered structural integrity failure somewhere in the middle of the tower, and shortly after that he walked into the kitchen holding the top half of the tower and said to me, "I need help with the marble game."

He has always called it marble game, so that's what we all call it. That wheel in the middle of the tower below is known as the flower one, and features prominently in many builds. Parker likes to keep his hand on the flower one while the marbles build up above it, and then let them go all at once.

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