Wednesday, September 01, 2010


One summer when I was about 14, I took a ballet class with Baryshnikov at the Stanley Holden Dance Center. I remember it like it was yesterday. It wasn't my regular dance studio. I wasn't with a bunch of my friends. It was just me taking a class in the middle of the day in the summer and there he was, down the barre from me, just taking a class too. I remember that he would do pirouettes for what seemed like days. He would start turning before us and end after the rest of the class. He was shorter than I thought he would be. He would float through the air. And he wore lots of scarves. I was star struck them, amazed that the world famous dancer that I first saw in The Turning Point was dancing so close to me, and I am still star struck today when I watch repeats of Sex and the City on TBS. I've seen the episodes with him tons of times, but each time I see them, I think back to those days and am so happy I was there at class that day.

1 comment:

Val said...

I love him too and I never took ballet, let alone took ballet with him.