Wednesday, September 29, 2010


When I picked up Parker from school on Monday, he had a zinger in his hand. I was helping tidy the classroom after class and he was going on and on about not losing his treat and when could he eat it. I looked at the teacher who told me that a parent brought them in for "snack". Now, don't get me wrong. I like zingers as much as the next guy, but for snack at a public school at 10am seems just wrong. Luckily the teacher agreed, fed them some left over pretzels and then passed them out at the end of the day so as not to disrespect the parent who brought them in.

We discussed that I would bring a back up snack in case this happened again. The next day, the parent brought cut up apples and carrots. Not much to it, but at least it wasn't a giant sugar/fat cube. I thought a back up snack the next day wouldn't be necessary, but I brought one just in case and good thing I did, because the parent brought "cutie pies" (basically apple pies like they sell at mcdonalds.) Another mom is on back up snack duty tomorrow.

And to think last year I was complaining that our preschool provided juice instead of water. Oh vey.

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