Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Walking School Bus

Walking to school has got to be one of the greatest aspects of kindergarten. We are about 2 blocks away and even with the girls (I mean, Miranda) straggling behind, we can do the walk in about 8 minutes. A few parents that I met in the pre-kindergarten play dates this past year told me about a walking school bus that goes right by our house. The concept is that parents walk their kids a certain route to school, picking up more kids and families as they go. We are the last house on the pick up since we are so close so there are about 7 kids and 2-4 parents walking when they get to us. I thought this would be a great way for Parker to meet the neighborhood kids (since most of them are not in his class), but it also has the added benefit of allowing me to not actually go with him everyday.

Like today. It was the first day I worked at the new preschool and I wanted to get there early so as to not get a job* that required me on my feet all morning (something that is hard on my back on a good day.) So when the school bus passed us, I asked the moms there, "Can I just send him with you today?" and they said sure and get kept walking. This would save a good 15-20 minutes off our morning routine so I was happy. We prepped Parker to just get in his line at school rather then playing so he would notice when the line went into class (the other day some kid didn't notice and was just standing there a long after I dropped Parker off and I had to walk him in. It was heartbreaking.)

According to one of the moms who I saw at pick up, he did great. I told him he was very brave and should be proud of himself that he did that. He said, "ok."

*I selected art table #1 where I got to help kids roll golf balls in paint and set out/monitor the very clean, simply laid out playdough. The teacher who explained it to me, stressed again, it's process over product and I shouldn't say anything like, "Wow, I really like it." Rather should say things like, "Boy you sure did use a lot of green!" It's amusing hearing my mother's recommendations coming out all over the place in this new preschool. Did I mention I love this place????

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