Thursday, September 30, 2010

Strong kids

Each day when I drop off or pick up Parker, the kids all play on the playground at school. We usually hang out a few minutes after the bell in the morning to let the girls play for a few minutes. Elizabeth does the monkey bars and hangs upside and Miranda climbs this pole and sits on top feeling superior.

Today, the PE teacher, who we sort of met yesterday when he collected basket balls for him, came up to me today and said, "Is she (Elizabeth) yours?" Yes, I confirmed. He said, "She is amazingly strong. I've never seen a kid so little fly across the monkey bars like her. That is incredible." I agreed and he kept going about it.

I'm quite used to these comments about her, but somehow it seemed even more sincere coming from a PE teacher.

Elizabeth then came up to me and said, "That man who we saw yesterday said I was strong."

On a similar note, I was chatting with their gymnastics teacher the other day and he said that if the girls went to a real gym (like he used to coach at) they would have been tracked already into the competitive training program. I'm not sure if I was happy (that they are really that good) or sad (that we aren't at that gym) to hear that. When I asked him if I should do anything different with them now, he said, "Naw, you can wait until they are 5 if you want to go that route. Let them have fun now."

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