Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Birthday at School, at Home

The big day finally arrived and Parker was thrilled to finally be 6.

I had a busy day getting ready for our trip tomorrow, but I did manage to fit in making sugar cookies in the shape of a 6 for his class.

The girls and I (and their friend Quinn) took them to the school at 2:15 as I had scheduled an ice cream party for Parker and his friend Orin whose birthday was also today. (The class won an ice cream party for having the most tickets at our booth at the recent Harvest Fair.)

Then after school, Aidan came over and we all went to dinner at Fentons which of course included lots of ice-cream. Aidan and Parker are ridiculously cute together, always laughing, hugging, talking about math, and generally goofing off.

And yes, if you are counting, the kids had ice cream twice today!

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