Thursday, December 02, 2010

Tomorrow! Tomorrow!

I got Annie from the library today. I thought it might be a good choice for the girls on a cold, rainy day and I was right. They watched the whole thing... a first in terms of movie watching. It was fairly age-appropriate until the end when they steal Annie and try to throw her off a bridge threatening "to kill her" (which made Miranda very upset.)

They definitely didn't understand all aspects of the movie. They thought Miss Hanigan was the mother, but didn't understand why she was being so mean. I kept trying to explain plot points which seems pretty silly in hindsight, "You see, they are pretending to be her parents so they can get the money."

I tried explaining a few times that these kids didn't have mommies or daddies and that their parents were dead. Elizabeth then says,

"Dead, for real?"

"Yes, for real. In this movie."

"You mean they died?"


"And they are at the place where we had snacks and ran around?" referring to the cemetery after school playdate we went on during Halloween.


"Under the ground?" with her lip starting to quiver.


"Really?" starting to get super duper sad and almost about the cry.


Long, long pause where I think she is about to start asking some pretty serious questions or break down completely. Then she says,

"Mom, I still wanna get one of the blue icee drinks from Target soon."

But I consider it a success since Miranda is now singing "Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love you Tomorrow!"

1 comment:


I have a couple of the songs, I'll play them tomorrow & they can all sing along...