Friday, December 31, 2010


Michael took Elizabeth cross country skiing on day 2. Well, not really cross country, but in front of the ski shop about 50 feet up and back. Then later, that day, Parker went. He did better and seemed to enjoy it.

So on day 3, we tried it again, with Miranda who was very upset she had not gotten to try. I was hesitant as I figured Miranda would start whining and complaining within minutes. Was I wrong. She was a pro! She loved it!

In fact, everyone was doing so well and it was quite the family outing with people oohing and ahhing over the little ones doing so well. Then, Elizabeth and Parker both melted down almost completely after about 15 minutes. Miranda wanted to keep going. She kept saying, "I LOVE SKIING!" Parker and Elizabeth were heaps of crying mess, but Miranda was all smiles.

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