Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Like Grandfather Like Grandson

Most days I ask the kids how their day was, what they learned, did they do anything special, etc.  On Tuesdays, when Parker has his special math session with a math resource teacher, I asked him how it went.  Or if I know they did anything else different, like going to the library, having music, or art, I try to remember to ask about it. I generally get the same answers.  From Miranda, "Great! I loved it! I can't to do it again!"  Elizabeth says, "It was kinda boring. Kinda good and bad."  From Parker, "Fine."

But then on some days, one of them goes on and on about something. Parker did it the other day.  He was describing how he did a math problem.  He stood by the kitchen table and walked me through the problem.  He provides so much detail, it takes me a long time to get through just a short description.  As he was describing it, he looked very familiar and I got a strange sense of deja vu. I tried to remember if he had told me about this before, but then it dawned on me.   He looked and sounded just like my dad describing a complex math problem to Amy or Eran or David.  He had the same pauses, um's, eye expressions and strange looks right before he is about to say something super clever.

It was very interesting.

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