Friday, January 11, 2013

Trying new things

We've been trying to get a bit more organized around here.   I've asked the kids to put in "orders" for lunch. Each lunch must contain and Main thing (sandwich, soup, yogurt), something crunchy (crackers, veggie chips), a fruit or veggie (apple, grapes, strawberries, avocado) and an "other" for a treat like cookie or granola bar.  This week it worked very well and they all ate all their lunches every day.

I'm also trying to get them to take some ownership of making sure they are ready in the morning.  So we have been using this checklist and it's been working pretty well too.

And lastly, I listed all our dinner menus on this big white board in the kitchen so the kids knew what we were eating every day.  They loved it.  Not only did they like the concept, they liked the dinners more it seemed.

Hopefully, I can keep it up for a while...

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