Sunday, July 13, 2014

Miranda Alone Time

Miranda has been saying how much he loves it when it is just me and her. She says it when we walk from the parking lot to the store leaving Parker and Elizabeth in the car. She says it walking to the video store or right after I get her from camp. So I decided it was time for a little get away for just her and me.  We went to the KOA in Petaluma for a night. The place was a zoo but we still had fun swimming, hanging out, reading in the tent, making a camp fire and smores, and visiting the petting zoo. We stayed up too late and didn't sleep in quite long enough but we still had a nice time.  

After we successfully put up the tent.

On the way to the petting zoo.

Baby goat.



I thought they were gross, but she enjoyed three.

In the morning we went to the this farm that was close by that my friend Monika just visited. It sounded like just the place Miranda would love but her brother and sister would hate.  So we went and I was right. She really enjoyed it. It was very hot, but she never complained about all the walking and got a big kick out of all of it.

Waiting for the free tour.

On our way to see the chickens.

There were lots and lots of chickens. These are the egg laying ones.

She was trying to catch one. It didn't work.

Big ass pigs.

Big ass.

Did I mention they were big?

Very big pigs.

They get 300 chicks every three weeks. These are the ones that are going to become food.

She didn't quite get this part and named this one Bob.

Looking at the baby turkeys. Also for eating.

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