Friday, July 25, 2014

Road Trip 2014: Day 3

Today was a good day. After free hotel breakfast and a dip in the pool, we met Kirsten for a hike to see wild flowers.  I was a little worried the hike would be too tough for the kids but it wasn't and with the exception of some whining from Elizabeth, they did great. Miranda actually did the best, as she tends to do in nature.  Kirsten brought along a 10 year old boy she was watching for the weekend. He and Parker got along great.

Walking to the trailhead.

Practicing her moves.

Elizabeth climbs a rock.

Parker was desperate to swim but the lake was a watershed so it was not allowed.

Kirsten and the boys took the scary way down.

Family shot!

Miranda in the flowers.

The hills are alive!
After I told her hiking wasn't my favorite thing either.

After the hike Michael dropped us at Kirsten's and went back to the hotel for a nap. We had lunch and then went to the local pool. Michael joined us later and then we all went out to sushi. It was de-lish!

Apparently Trey is a very picky water and had doesn't eat much except pasta with butter. But he tried almost everything at dinner and loved the udon.

After dinner, we said our goodbyes to Kirsten and Trey and went in search of dessert at the local mall. 

We were not disappointed.  The mall was made from an old train station and the hall where the bathroom was had great acoustics.

Parker had gelato and the girls got ice cream. I had a Carmel Apple. Michael got some treats for the hotel.

Back at the hotel, one final swim for the day and we were off to bed.  

Tomorrow.... We sleep in, goof off, swim and then drive to Arches. 

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