Monday, September 01, 2008

Stomp Rockets

Parker's new favorite game is something called Stomp Rockets. It's pretty much what it sounds like. You stomp on this pump filled with air and a rocket shoots out the other side. It's a good game for a number of reasons.

1.) It was cheap compared to other things I buy him like ridiculous Marble Runs.
2.) It requires fine motor skills (putting the rocket on the tube) and gross motor skills (jumping on the air pump).
3.) It's a game that requires sharing and taking turns as kids show up from everywhere wanting to play with it.
4.) It's easy enough the girls can use it even though they have no idea that a rocket shoots out the other side of it.
5.)It's good exercise since the kids have to run after the rocket to retrieve it.
6.) It's a small piece of equipment that can fit in my packpack.
7.) It comes with replacement rockets when ours get lost or chewed on.

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