Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bday Weekend

Last night, Michael and I went to see West Side Story in SF. Jenna came over and we got a hotel and were gonna have dinner somewhere too. The kids and I dropped off Michael at the hotel in the afternoon and then goofed off until Jenna got there. Then I sat in bridge/rain traffic for over an hour. We missed our reservation and ended up having chicken sandwich in the hotel room. We then started to walk in the pouring rain to the theatre 8 long blocks away. Not only had I brushed my hair (a rare thing), but I even wore a dress and fancy shoes that I found at the back of the closet (the girls were speechless when they saw me.) But I ditched the fancy shoes when the rain was inches deep. We popped down to Bart to get out of the rain and took it one whole stop to the theatre.

We had great seats...front row loge and were very excited until the Curse of Rachel set in. The people next to us and behind us both showed up after the show started. The people behind were two kids who had to kick my seat almost the entire time and played with their play bill. The people next to us (who Michael and I referred to as a tall, attractive, young version of ourselves) were making out the entire time. And when they weren't, they were singing along or the guy was translating the spanish (the sharks all spoke in spanish in this version) to the women. I was being driven crazy and by intermission I couldn't take it. I told Michael we had to leave. He suggested we switch seats which we did and I enjoyed the rest of the show. Michael, who always falls asleep at live shows, didn't and seemed to enjoy it. I didn't realize how many of the songs I actually knew. Almost every single one.

We walked back to the hotel, watched a little tv and fell asleep until the late hour of 7:30am when I was done sleeping. We had breakfast and made it home to hear that the kids had done great and Jenna had no problems.

Then an hour later, Susan picked me up for a bday day lunch and hot tub with the girls (Ebba and Val). We had delicious dim sum followed by a lovely hot tub. Val took off and we did a little shopping before heading back.

I came home to a big pile of presents that I couldn't open until Tuesday which made Elizabeth very sad.

It was a lovely bday weekend and I'm looking forward to my cake and presents on Tuesday.


Val said...

Very fun today. Do you get your ho-ho roll?

Rachel said...

Of course! When I say my cake, I mean my giant hoho!