Monday, November 29, 2010

I don't understand: Aging

I'm gonna start a new series here, called, "I don't understand." It will be like an unfunny, "What's the deal with the peanuts?" a la Seinfeld.

Today's rant is: I don't understand parents who are in shock that their kid is aging. I mean, really? Did it sneak up on them? Were they hiding in a cave for the last few years? What is so hard to believe about their kid turning 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or whatever? But yet, there it is on Facebook, "OMG, can you believe little johnny is 6!"

Yes. I can believe it. Until time travel is possible, I'm gonna believe it every single time.


Amity said...


Rachel said...

This coming from a gal who just wrote, "I can't believe she is going to be three in her blog!" HA!