Friday, November 12, 2010


The last two days has been a whirlwind of visitors.

On Wednesday, my good friend and ex-coworker Kirsten was in town and came over a good long visit. She met us at park where she pushed the girls on swings and we reminisced about the "good old days" (5-7 years ago). Then we went out for drinks and dinner with a few old ex-coworkers as well as our boss. It was fun to get the latest gossip and somewhat satisfying and sad, at the same time, to hear what a mess our place of employment is now.

She spent the night in the cabana and then in the morning we chatted while she helped me stamp and label twin club postcards. She left at 10am to visit more people before attending a work conference on Friday.

That same morning, Val, called me (which never happens because she knows I never answer the phone.) She was on her way down from Sacramento for a day trip with her kids. It was great timing because we had a planned a get together with another old friend, Mark, his wife Yvette and there no longer new baby Isabella. Mark and I worked together many, many years ago at my first job out of college and then we were roommates for a year before I moved to Berkeley. Mark is a great guy and I'm so glad that he is a father because all of us always knew he would be the best.

Val arrived first and her oldest son, who is in 2nd grade and who apparently had been told of Parker's skills, immediately said, "Can Parker do Algebra?"

Then Mark and his family arrived and we all hung out oohing and ahhing at each other's kids and catching up.

They all left when we had to head off to gymnastics class and Isabella was not too thrilled about that.

It was a good 24 hours of reliving the past, remembering that I did once do more than serve meals, drive kids around, and pick up crayons off the floor.

Oh and another thing that happened today was that Miranda rode her bike without training wheels. She wasn't thrilled about it, but she did it and was damn proud after the fact. Yay.

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