Thursday, November 04, 2010


I've had bunions on the my feet my whole life. They were one of the reasons that I quit ballet (in addition to not being very good at it or having dancers body, but I digress.) Lately, the bunion on my right foot has been hurting and the one on the left has a strange extra bump on it. I contacted my doctor who sent me in for xrays and then gave me a referral to podiatrist.

While Ebba and Susan watched the girls, I went in today. The doctor explained them to me and gave me the options of 1) doing nothing 2) having them fixed surgically. I asked about the recovery time and he said at least 2 weeks or not driving/walking and 6 weeks of wearing giant foot cast and another 4 months of slow recovery (ie no running, jumping, etc.) Since that plan pretty much sucked and is not really even possible, I told him I would go with option 1 and do nothing until they were bad enough that I couldn't do those things anyway. He thought that was very reasonable.

He said the other bump was a ganglion cyst (which I had before on my wrist when Parker was a baby) and he drained it today. That was gross.

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