Monday, November 22, 2010

Changing Times

Since Parker was about 4, he has either had his own iPod or computer in his room. I was initially concerned about obsessive behavior with one or the other or both, but it never happened. He would play with them, forget about them, do other things, play with them again. I never had to monitor his time on the screen or tell him to 'wrap it up'.

Until today. Day one of the thanksgiving break was spent at home. All day (until 4 when we had gymnastics). It was hard for me, but I thought the kids could use a day doing nothing. And that is what they did. I didn't set up any project, offer to bake anything, or even get involved in their activities. They did handstands, made up silly games, did art, and played on Parker's computer. He is playing these reading games for some grade higher than his own (2nd or 3rd I think). He kept coming out saying, "Can you name any compound words? Do you which colors are homonyms?" And other things like that. I think he is finally getting into them because he can read and navigate the game without me there saying, "click on this, click on that."

Then I realized that he had pretty much been on the computer most of the day. Some of it was helping Eli and Miranda play math games way above their heads, but mostly just learning new things and occasionally exclaiming, "Yes! I got a gold star!"

I actually didn't (and don't) care that much, but I suppose I should. I suppose I should start discussing this with him and set up some kind of limit for the screen, but I just didn't worry about it today. I was just happy we go through the day without needing to turn the TV on. I consider that a major success. For me and them.

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