Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Took the kids to calistoga yesterday. I'd been wanting to go back to the kid friendly spa and yesterday was the day. We hung at the four pools, played at the local playground, had a good dinner, and generally had a lovely time. Calistoga is pretty close, but it feels far away.

At Taylors Refresher, a delicious roadside burger joint on the way to Calistoga.

It's so nice not to have the worry about the kids in water anymore. Miranda was doing laps in the hot pool using a modified breast stroke. It was damn impressive. Elizabeth would swim under water across the pool. As usual, people were impressed.

At this playground, Elizabeth couldn't reach much of the fun stuff, so she would scale the poles to get them. People at the park couldn't stop staring.

The kids were pretty well behaved on the trip. They actually played together a lot. At the playground, in the hotel room, in the pool, on the walk. A little loud, but good.

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