Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday morning update

Parker asked to practice piano this morning as we were going to have friends over this afternoon, which I thought was quite impressive that he thought about it that way.

He played his scales and chords and then played a two handed easy mozart piece. I don't know the name, but I knew the tune, so when he wasn't holding one long enough making it sound strange, I went over to show him that he had to hold that note longer. I guess, after three lessons, he knows which notes are which, but doesn't know all the other stuff yet.

In other Parker news, the breathstroke really clicked with him yesterday. He just got it and was flying across the pool. He's still a spaz with his goggles, not doing what teacher says, etc, but boy can that boy swim.

The girls are both off to playdates today after school, only one week after school started. They are going to different houses, which I think is best for now. There are a bunch of us moms that have kids in both grades so we decided to divide and conquer, so I'll be picking up the 1st graders today.

Back to school night was last night and it was quite a thing. Made me feel terrible we didn't get Parker into the Piedmont schools sooner. The thoughtfulness, skills and kindness of the kindergarten teachers is unbelieveable. We had to write down our hopes for kindergarten. I asked Michael what we should write and he said, Have fun, make friends." I said, "Add 'learn to read and write' to that and I'll be happy."

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