Thursday, August 25, 2011

Things the kids said today.

Back story: A month or so ago, Parker built another chaos tower. It's this motor-ized marble run that is for high school age kids. Michael used to help him build it since it is quite complicated, but now he can just do it himself. It has trampolines, jumps, and other such nonsense and when it works, it's quite a sight.

He hasn't played with it for a while so I told him we were going to break it down and put it away until the next time he wanted to build another one. I started taking it apart asking Parker for help to figure out how all the pieces connected. This was the first time I had really touched it or done anything with it as it is a Dad and Parker activity. After a few minutes, I said to Parker "Wow. This is really complicated to take apart. How in the world did you build this all by yourself? How did you know where to put things?"

His response: " know how you are taking it apart right now? I just did the same thing but did it going forward."

Miranda comes down before dinner tonight and says, "Mama, since I'm a big kindergartener now I'm not going to eat my own boogers."

Elizabeth announced she made a new friend at school today, but when questioned about it more, she said, "I don't know her name. But she is my friend."

Which reminds me of a story from the camping trip this weekend. At one point I saw Elizabeth walk to the bathroom with one of the 9 year old girls. She didn't come out so after a few minutes, I walked in there and said, "Elizabeth are you ok?" She shouted back from the shower, "Yes, I'm ok." I said, "What are you doing?" She said, "Taking a shower." I said, "By yourself?" She said, "No, I'm with someone." I reply, "Who are you with?" She says, "I don't know." I said, "What? You don't know who you are showering with?" Elizabeth says, "I know her, but I don't know her name!" I say, "Well...ask her!!!!! You shouldn't be showering with someone whose name you don't know." She says, "I can't! She isn't here right now!" Then the bathroom stall opens and out walks Isabelle who says, "It's me, Isabelle." Someone else in the bathroom says, "You shouldn't shower with someone you don't know...words to live by."

1 comment:

Ebba said...

I can't stop laughing about the shower story. I miss you and your kids!