Saturday, April 10, 2010


I'm always worried about the kids falling out of bed. And when I say kids, I mean Elizabeth as she is the only one not secured by a railing since she is the only one down low.

Michael thinks its hilarious and mocks me every chance he gets about it.

So tonight, when I am sitting on the couch recovering from today's ride, I hear a thump thump. And then a Wahhhh!!!!!!

I got up (slowly) and Elizabeth is on the ground wrapped in the blankets, very confused.

I get her back in bed, she moans and goes to sleep. No one else woke up.

1 comment:

More of the Howe Girls said...

too funny. i worry also since both the twins love to sleep right on the edge even when their beds are up against the wall...Courts fallen out a few times and does the same this Elizabeth did, moaned and went back to sleep! Fun times huh?!