Thursday, June 03, 2010

Field Trip

Parker's class had a field trip today to Robert park. After a short car ride and decent little hike, we arrived at the park/playground. Parker played for a few minutes and then came to eat his lunch. He stayed at the table for a long time but after a little encouragement, he went to play with the other kids. About 5 minutes later, there was screaming and crying. He was hurt. I scooped him up and sat with him for a while and he kept screaming and crying telling me not to touch him. Teachers tried to help, but the screaming continued. I told them this was SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for him and to not think much of it. That is, until I saw his wrist. It didn't look like a wrist. It looked like a very inverted wrist. So I went to get my car, called Michael, and met him at ER. Where I stayed for the next 5 hours. Parker kept crying until he fell asleep in my lap in one of the exam rooms. They took xrays, confirmed his wrist was broken in two places and told us what would happen next. Ebba came to pick up the girls so we could both stay with Parker. With 3 nurses and 3 doctors in the room with him, they put him under conscious sedation (ketamin...which by the way is the same drug they use to knock out cats for spays and neuters) and fixed his wrist. They put on a pretty red cast and then he woke up.

He did amazingly well during all of it. When they put in the IV. When they stuck the breathing thing in his nose. When they attached wires to his chest. When they made him stand still for the xrays. When they took out the IV. He was a real trooper through all of it.

I'll have to cancel his gymnastics camp, swimming sessions, and daycamp, but other than that, he should be fine. Puts a damper on our summer, but I suppose it could have been much worse.


Val said...

Wow, he was a trooper. I wonder how Andre would do. Considering that he started bawling in the car when I guessed that the surprise he and dad had for me was a cake, I'm hoping he'd pull it together for something a little more significant. This is certainly something Parker will remember for the rest of his life.

Kika said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry. How long is the cast on for? Bummer he's going to miss camp :(

Lori said...

Raym fractured his elbow when he was five, it is just so sad. Keep in mind when the pain stops, the cast becomes an excellent weapon! Also, you may want to pick up some long knitting needles for when the itching starts - that will be worse than teething. Give Parker a hug for me.

Kathleen said...

We will still have a great time when I am there next weekend! I'll send healing thoughts and if he's willing I'd like to do some injury treatment....and that doesn't mean I'll be massaging the broken wrist. The young heal quickly.

Jyllian said...

Ooooh, ouch, I'm sorry.