Wednesday, June 02, 2010


Parker bit Elizabeth today. Bled through a shirt. Elizabeth was freaked out. It's all very upsetting and we aren't sure what to do about it. He's obviously upset and/or anxious about something, but we can't quite figure it out and don't know how to handle it. Intellectually, he can tell us what he "should" do when the girls are bugging him (something usually precedes a hit or kick or now bite), but he isn't able to follow through in the moment.


Kika said...

Aidan bit someone at school a few weeks ago. He's almost 6, the first time he's ever bit anyone. I thought WTF! Turns out he was completely overwhelmed by this kid and that was his first instinct reaction. He was embarrassed about it and totally new it was wrong, blushed everytime he had to talk about it. We just reinforced how he could better handle that situation in the future.

Jyllian said...

For the last three years, we've seen L's behavior ramp up (down?--this is mostly defined in terms of hitting me when she's angry) every spring. It lasts through the summer and abates in Sept/Oct. Our best guess is that she's anxious about the upcoming move to a new classroom (this year, transitions to summer camps and then first grade).