Thursday, October 06, 2011

Parking your car in Harvard yard.

For as long as I can remember, the girls haven't been able to say the "er" sound. Parker is Packah. Bird is Bahd. They sort of sound like they have Boston accents. I haven't worried about it because I figured it was fairly typical and the articulation would come when it came.

But then I was casually emailing their teacher last night about something else and asked about it. She said she and the other co-teacher had definitely noticed it, and would talk to Speech and Language Specialist to see if it was typical or not.

Well...not 12 hours later, I got a call from Leslie the Speech and Language specialist telling me that it was typical for kids to start learning that sound at age 3, but that some kids take until age 7 to get it down. She wasn't worried about them but decided to assess them anyway to get baseline in case the problem didn't go away in the next year or so. All free. All part of the school.

Gotta love Piedmont.

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