Thursday, October 06, 2011

Piedmont Welcoming.

And speaking of Piedmont, last night Michael and I went to a "welcome to the Piedmont school system" meet and greet at some fancy ass house in central Piedmont. It was mostly for kindergarten parents, but also some people that moved here with older kids were there.

This is the kind of thing we both hate. We would have much preferred to stay at home in sweat pants watching survivor, but I thought that if we were really going to give Piedmont a chance, we needed to get involved and be social.

The house was crazy big and fancy and the owners were parents with four kids, the youngest in high school. The man was very outgoing and friendly and although Michael and I stood by ourselves, we were approached by him and several other people who were not new parents. The superintendent was there. The PTA president was there. Each school's parent group leader was there. Teachers were there. Local businessmen were there.

In the end, it was a big pep rally for the Piedmont schools and to donate money. Which we kinda figured before we went. Everyone told stories about how they doubted the move to Piedmont when they made it, but were so happy they did it. (No one, however, talked about diversity or race or the lack of it.)

It was fairly painless, we got some yummy cupcakes, and I had a reason to actually brush my hair.

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