Sunday, October 30, 2011

Two is like none.

As you've already noticed, Michael left for Seattle with Elizabeth on Friday. It's a special "Daddy and Me" trip we are trying to do with all the kids. Parker did his a couple years ago and we'll do Miranda hopefully this coming year.

I had the other two in schoolmates until 3 on Friday to give me a couple more hours of alone time since I wouldn't have any all weekend. I was very productive Friday morning, cleaning and doing laundry. I picked them up and after playing at home for a bit, we took Parker to swim team practice where they were doing relay races...something I knew Parker would enjoy. Then home again for dinner. Jenna was coming over that night (something I had arranged before I knew Michael would be out of town) and Susan and I were going to a movie. Then I remembered what Parker asked me when leaving school that day "Hey Mom, what is that big banner about a haunted house talking about?" The city of Piedmont sets up a haunted house in the recreation department and they make it non scary, medium scary, very scary and holy shit crap in your pants scary. The last day of medium scary was tonight at 6:30. I had heard it would be too scary for my age kids, but Parker really wanted to check it out despite my warnings of mummies, ghosts, and nightmares. After much hemming and hawing, we decided to go to it and arrived in what I thought was plenty of time at 6:20. There was no parking and a line down the block. Oy. I had already told Parker that if the line was too long, we would have to skip it and if anyone cried in the house, we would leave. So when he saw the line, he asked me over and over if we would make it. While in line I was texting Jenna that we would be late and Susan that we would have to see later movie. Both were flexible. It seemed like the whole town of Piedmont was there with kids swarming everywhere. Miranda ran around with some classmates, but Parker was a little shy and stayed with me. After 30 minutes, it was our turn and we went in. They both stayed close to me, but no one cried and when we left they said, "That wasn't that scary, Mom!"

Back at home, Jenna was there and Susan was about to arrive to get me. 10 minutes later, she called to ask if I could pick her up since her car was acting strange. I hopped in, and rushed to her house. We still made the movie and weren't even cursed with talkers.

Back at home, Jenna said the kids stayed up late, which I said was Ok and did well. About 30 minutes after she left Miranda woke up crying something she hadn't done in a while. She screamed out, 'I WANT TO GO HOME!' so I'm guessing the ghouls and ghosts affected her after all. I let her come in bed with me, as I suspected I would with Elizabeth being gone.

Saturday was filled with getting bday presents for friends, attending mini golf party, chilling at home and going to costume party at Ebba's. Both kids had to sleep with me last night which was fine with our big king size bed.

I got to sleep until 8:45 on Sunday while they watched the backyardigans (a show that is just plain strange). We had no plans except carving pumpkins which we did early on. Parker went to play at school with the neighbors and Miranda and I joined them after a bit. We had lunch out side, made chocolate chip cookies, roasted pumpkin seeds, cleaned the garage, re-arranged the playroom and generally had a delightful day.

Although Miranda and Parker did get on each other's nerves in the car once arguing about the lyrics to a made up song, over all, they were simply lovely the whole weekend.

Having just two kids, even as a single parent, is almost like having none.

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