Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Oakland Museum Fieldtrip

I went on the 1st grade field trip today. Parker was quite happy about it; both that he was going and I coming along.

Although I'm not a lover of art, it was super nice to be in the museum without anyone else there. We were the first school tour and it was completely empty for a good 30 minutes. The docent was good enough, asking questions, but being sure there wasn't any right answer. She really got a kick out of Parker saying things like, "Wow, what a serious thinker." "He has such integrity." "That's an excellent observation, Parker!" It was like he was "that" girl that the teacher always favors. He is much different in the way he speaks compares to the other kids. It always appears very thoughtout and articulate, even if the comment itself it lame. The other mom with us said, "Wow. She really likes him."

Afterwards the kids got to do their art with chalk mashed up with water ("like the Indians did"). Parker couldn't decide what animal to draw until there was only 2 minutes left and then did a crappy spider in some grass.

Back at school, there was some confusion about where they would eat lunch since their time slot for lunch was over. When it was decided they would eat with the 5th graders he started crying saying "He didn't like when things didn't go as scheduled." No shit, Parker. I sat with him and another girl who was equally displeased with the change. Both bounced back quickly and ran off to recess after they recovered.

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