Thursday, June 05, 2008


Parker's mathematical abilities are quite the norm around here these days. Although people who don't know him are a bit shocked when he can add and subtract, we are used to it. Until today...

He's been walking around saying that when he is 13, the girls are 11. When Oliver is 15, the girls will be 11. When the girls are 9 he will be 11, etc, etc. Then he said, when I'm one, the girls will be negative 1.

Now, sure, I've mentioned negative numbers a couple times, but I've never mentioned this specific relationship so he obviously just figured it out. Which is kinda creepy.


Unknown said...

you probably have the game but if you dont Parker would love 'chutes and ladders"

Michael said...

Yup, got it. Showed no interest a while back, but we'll get it out again and see.