Thursday, June 19, 2008

Potty Training

We've started some preliminary potty training over here at Chez Long. Nothing too fancy yet, but changing the girls in the bathroom, having them sit on the toilet before a diaper change, letting them be a bit more diaper free.

This morning, Elizabeth pointed to her butt. I asked her if she needed to go pee pee or poop. She didn't really answer. I told her if she wanted to go sit on the potty that she had to take her jammies and diaper off.

So, she did. Then sat on the little potty on the ground. I got distracted with Miranda for a moment and then next thing I know, Elizabeth had taken the insert (full of pee) and poured it into the toilet and then flushed.

Very cool.

Oh, and just moments later, she got some tissue, blew her nose and then put it in the garbage.

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