Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Michael's Birthday

We celebrated Michael's birthday quietly* at home yesterday.

The kids all picked out one present for him at the toy store and he was thrilled to get a new monkey alarm clock, pink baby, and shopping cart. I'll let you guess who gave what.

Then we enjoyed some ice cream cake. Later, Michael had his now traditional (yet not home made) lemon meringue pie.

Then I went to a parent teacher meeting at the co-op (where I will president next year) and Michael watched some t.v.

*When I say "quietly", what I really meant was celebrated despite Miranda's most amazing tantrum ever. She literally went crazy and screamed non-stop about nothing for a very long time. This was after she hit me several times and wouldn't say anything else but "No!". Even for her, it was unbelievable.

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