Monday, May 11, 2009


When I was with Elizabeth at the zoo the other day, someone was having a birthday party. They had a big 4 balloon which both me and the other mom we were hanging out with commented on. While we were in the line for the airplane ride, the balloon got loose and flew away. It was quite a sight to see that big 4 floating up higher and higher.

When we got home, we told Parker the story of the balloon that floated away and he was very interested for a while and then got back to doing whatever it was he was doing.

Today, two days later, Parker, before naps, looks at me and says, "Mommy, I don't want my 5 balloon to float away so we have to be very careful not to let it go," and he started crying. It was so sad. Sad that he has been thinking about this since I told him and sad that the thought of it actually happening was so upsetting to him. I reassured him that I would never let this happen. A promise I hope I can keep.


Ebba said...

That is so sad, but yet sweet -- as advanced as his mind works, he still is a little boy that loves his balloons. Whatever you do, don't let him see that old French movie "The Red Balloon." Not only is the whole movie about a balloon flying away from a boy who then follows it around, but a bunch of bullies destroy it at the end.

Rachel said...

Too late. It's a regular library check out here at Chez Long. They all love it because it ends so happily with all the balloons flying over to him.