Thursday, May 07, 2009

Not a performer.

We were at the park today after gym classes with Ebba and her kids. One of her friends (mom of Lincoln's classmate) was there too. They were chatting and then Parker started making numbers out of the pretzels. The other mom said, "Wow you made a 6!" as if this was the most amazing thing she had ever seen. Ebba sort of chuckled and then stepped in to explain that all on scale of things, this was actually pretty lame. (she said it nicer.) The mom seemed surprised at the least. Ebba tried to demonstrate his abilities, but Parker was more interested in his pretzels. Towards the end of the time at the park, he was making a 64 and talking about varies properties of that number and who was 64. I asked him, trying one last time to show this mom, what half of 64 was and he told me wasn't playing that game now. I just smiled. Ebba laughed.

At home, after naps, I said to him, "Hey Parker, you know at the park when I asked what half of 64 was and you didn't want to play? Did you know know the answer?"

He said, "You remember when Peter was doing that math on the board and he wrote

1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128? Well, that means that half of 64 is 32, Mom."

I guess he likes his audiences small.

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