Monday, May 25, 2009

Sunday Potluck

On Sunday, I took the kids over to Ebba's house for an small, but thoroughly delicious Memorial Day Weekend brunch potluck. Kika's and Susan's family came too. The menu was fancy and outstanding and I couldn't stop eating. The kids entertained themselves with the jumpy house (making it's first set of rounds to the co-owners), the air hockey table, trampoline and everything else at Ebba's house. The older boys (lincoln, aidan and parker) holed up in lincoln rooms to play drums and build train tracks. Everyone behaved extremely well, there were no potty accidents and all in all I got to relax. Who could ask for anything more? Max, Kika's husband took these great, if not snotty, shots. There were a few nice ones of Eli too, but Shutterfly isn't being nice to me right now...

Enjoying looking at the score on air hockey.

Four moms relaxing.

They actually played together for a good long while.

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