Monday, August 09, 2010

Hide and Seek: Family Style

Michael and I found ourselves in an unusual situation tonight...two adults home, dinner done and kids awake (due to late naps that they put themselves down for on their own). More often than not, one of us is at a meeting, at work, out for a movie, doing a twin club thing or something else.

So, I suggested we play a game all together and what better game for a wide range of ages but Hide and Seek. Everyone had a blast hiding in obvious places. The kids have a better idea of the game, but still don't get the subtleties like not moving or talking. They don't leap out saying, "here I am" but you've still got to go out of your way not to find them quickly.

We did the standard, throw a sheet over us and stand there in the middle of the room routine. It brought me back to my childhood when my dad would hide under a bunch of blankets and no one could find him for a long time.

Then we played in reverse when one person hides and everyone has to find them and join them. This was a big hit and I especially liked when I was in the bathtub with all the kids giggling as Michael fake looked for us.

Good times.


Unknown said...

The reverse game is called "pack of sardines."


Lori said...

That's awesome. And by the way, your blogs are never boring to me. Thanks for posting as often as you do!