Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The New Preschool

After delicious dessert waffles made with my new flip waffle maker, I went to my first preschool meeting at the new preschool. As someone who can find fault in pretty much anything, I wasn't expecting much, but came away pleasantly surprised. The parents there looked (in dress) and acted like me even though there was nice diversity, the information was actually useful (I found out I didn't need to ever bring a snack), it ended on time, the parking was easy (I knew it would be), the kids call the teachers by their first names, and the snacks were delicious.

I think it's going to be a good year.

On a related note: During the intros, I had to describe Elizabeth and Miranda in one word. I chose Fearless for Elizabeth and Creative for Miranda. When I got home I asked Michael what he would say and he said Gregarious (something I thought of, but decided that her shy streaks made that word not true) and Sensitive for Miranda (my initial first choice as well, but thought it sounded too negative.) There were several other standards answers (Chatty, Funny, Happy, Friendly), but funny ones too like "A little bit crazy" "tireless" and "persistent".

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