Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Parker finally started peeing standing up. I'm not sure what made him decide to do it that way, but here are some of my ideas...

1.) Peeing in the bushes while camping. The bathroom was a long way away so it was the common way to pee there.

2.) I told him that boy underwear had a hole in it for his penis so he could pee without taking off his clothes. Apparently he had never noticed it yet.

3.) His 'better' sense of what is acceptable for boys and girls. "Boys pee this way," he recently told me. He wants his hair very short now too.

4.) Something else entirely.

In any case, I'm starting to miss the sitting down peeing with the new pee drips near the toilet that I'm noticing.

1 comment:

Kika said...

Welcome to the world of pee drips, maybe even pee sprays on wall if he ever accidently looses control...don't know how it happens but it does in my house, arghhh!