Friday, March 18, 2011


Last night Parker started asking me about earthquakes. He asked if we knew when they were gonna happen, what happened during one, how we would be safe, would we be killed, etc. He was genuinely upset about the whole topic, but kept asking me questions, becoming more and more upset. He was on the verge of tears during most of the conversation. We (first me then Michael) tried to re-assure him we would take care of him, while also trying to answer his questions factually and explaining what to do if there was one. I told him I was in a very big one in college and I was ok. This didn't seem to help him much.

I'm not sure where it all came from. Perhaps some kids at school were talking about Japan. But he didn't ask about tidal waves.

It was hard to see him so freaked out.

1 comment:

Ebba said...

It's helped my kids feel less scared to practice getting under a table and to go outside and talk about what to do (stay away from power lines, etc.)