Sunday, March 06, 2011

More Lies

As I have mentioned, Elizabeth has been lying quite a bit lately. She has also started wearing this doll's shirt thing (I have no idea where it came from.) It's antiquey and falling apart and it's too small for her (because it is a doll's!) so it's super tight on the neck. She wears it around the house and I don't really care.

So on Friday she asks to wear it to a party at an inflatable/jumpy house place and I said no. In addition to looking ridiculous on her, it's ripped and would be dangerous in the jumpy houses because the neck is so tight. She said ok and went upstairs to change. She back down in an equally ridiculous top...a terry cloth after swim thing that she wears like a jacket. She said, is this better? I said yes and asked her how she got the other top off since the buttons were so hard to do (I usually do them for her). She said she just reached around to do it which seemed reasonable since Elizabeth can do things other kids can't.

A friend's mom picked up the girls and took them to the party. I hung out with Parker and then we both went to pick them up. When I arrived, there was Elizabeth standing there in the top. The one I told her not to wear. One of the other moms then asked me about the top saying it looked old timey and where did I get it. I was pissed. I told Elizabeth that what she did was not ok. Her response was: "But mom, it didn't hurt to jump in it." I told when we got home I would take that top away.

And I did. And threw it in the garbage.

When did my 4 year old turn 15?

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