Thursday, March 03, 2011

More Death Talk

Passing by a cemetary today in Oakland, the kids start another death discussion.

Eli: What are those statues.

Me: They are not statues, they are tombstones or gravestones. They show where people are buried.

Miranda: Dead people? Who are under the ground and dead.

Me: Yes. The stones usually say something about them and include their birthdate and date of death.

Elizabeth: Like when they die?

Parker: Like yours would say, Born November 23, 1969 and died November 23, 2069?

Me: Yes, but you know some people die when they are younger than 100. Some will die when they are older than 100. Some people even die when they are babies.

Miranda: Like real, really, real babies? For real?

Me: Yes, it's sad, but it happens.

Miranda: Do little kids die too?

Me: Yes, sometimes.

Elizabeth: Are we going to die when we are little kids?

Me: I hope not. I would be very sad.

Miranda: You would be very sad because you would have to get some new kids and that would hurt your belly when they came out.

Elizabeth: I don't want to talk about this anymore.

Parker: I do. It's cool.

1 comment:

Sara said...

What a funny conversation. Penelope had a 'when I'm 100' project in her class, where they drew a picture of themselves at 100 and wrote a sentence or two about what they would be doing. Hers said "When I'm 100 I will have a baby. When I'm 100 I will pop open." I asked her what pop open meant, and she said it meant she would die.

Simon has been death obsessed lately too. We were driving home from preschool the other day and he said "Where's daddy?" I said he probably wasn't home yet, and Simon said "Is he dead?" No, I said. "Not yet" says Simon.