Tuesday, March 22, 2011

More new house stuff.

Went to the new house today. I'm buying some of the furniture (kitchen benches, bar stools) from the current tenant so I dropped off the check and we chatted for a bit. We're not entirely sure how we'll lay everything out, but we know that we don't have anything for the living room a this point. Perhaps we'll leave it empty and use it as a dance floor. Or we can leave all the boxes of books in there. Not sure yet. But I am sure there will be no kids' stuff in it. That stuff will be contained in playroom and bedrooms. I hope.

I saw an area I hadn't noticed before. Just off the playroom and behind the garage. I asked the tenant about it and wondered out loud if it was for storage and she said they used it as a music room. Interesting.

And speaking of music, the piano is not, in fact, staying. I think we'll end up getting one. Parker and Miranda would love it and there is the perfect little space for it in the living room in this nook near the front window.

The tenant also said they left a couple of the swings in the backyard and may leave the trampoline. Which would be awesome. We're getting one no matter what, but it would be nice not to have to assemble one. Such a nightmare.

I officially enrolled the kids in the new school today. It was easy and compared to Oakland felt like I was joining some elite club. Which I guess I am in a way. (reminded me of a seinfeld episode where he flies first class and enjoys warm cookies while elaine is stuck in coach). I already know the principal at the school as she was a mom at the kids' preschool last year. And two of the teachers are my boot camp buddies. Piedmont is a small place.

Movers scheduled for April 2nd. Got a sitter for the kids that day. Can't wait!

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