Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Parker is a truant.

Today, I was notified by mail that Parker has been labeled a truant for missing 3 more more days of school without a valid excuse.

Obviously, I'm thrilled.

Thrilled that the teacher didn't correctly record his absences from Hawaii or recent trip to LA, even though she was notified wayyyy in advance.

Thrilled that all of his records have now been labeled Truant.

Thrilled hat I now have to send letters to everyone and their mother to clear this up, and I'm sure it will haunt me for years.

It's just ridiculous that the kid that can teach the class himself if he wanted with the room parent mom, is labeled a truant. Jesus.

1 comment:

Kika said...

That sucks! And why am I not surprised that the teacher did not report attendance correctly.