Tuesday, May 03, 2011


For about the last 5 months, I've been training Parker to remember things in the morning. Like what he needs to do before we leave the house (eat breakfast, get dressed, get a jacket, find backpack, etc.) He would literally walk out of the house in his underwear without constant reminders about what he should be doing or how he should be preparing to leave. I had him make a checklist which he used for a few days. I tell him to find his backpack and check to see what is it in (lunch, library book, sharing, homework depending on the day.

Today I put his lunch right next to his backpack. When we were about to leave, I said, Ok grab your backpack and check to see if everything is in it. Then we left.

When we got to school, I thought it looked a little light, but resisted the urge to call out to him as he walked into class, "can I look in your backpack?"

Turns out I should have. Because when I got home at noon, I saw his lunch box sitting right where I left it.

I'm sure I'll get read the riot act when he gets home today and I hope someone gives him some food to eat. I lost my cell phone and I never changed the home phone number with the school so there was no way for him to reach me even if he tried.

I'm sort of glad it happened this way since maybe this will be enough of a lesson to have him remember next time. But....I doubt it.

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