Sunday, May 15, 2011

Index Cards

And speaking of Aunts, Parker has been very into his bday present from Aunt Amy these days. She gave him index cards. Hundreds and hundreds of index cards along with 20 or so that had suggestions for what to do with them. He did some of them (making houses, airplanes, cards, money) early on when he got the present, but today alone he did two of them:

1.) Label the House. Make Signs for the Objects around the house. Tape them on the objects. Ask Mom or Dad if it's ok.

So now, I not only can see the Fridge, Calendar and Dining Room table, I can refer to them by their proper names, "Fridge, Calendar, and Dining Room Table."

2.) Hanging Hooks. Cut out C shapes. Hang them from each other. How long a chain can you make? (There are illustrations too on this one.)

He made one to hang in the entry way to his room with a sign that says, "entering Ace's room" on one side and "leaving Ace's room" on the other. Yes, he is referring to himself as Ace lately. Which is funny since we actually considering naming him Ace but decided that would be really mean if he turned out to be a total loser.

So I'd like to officially thank my little sister, oh giver of life, for the complete and total mess of index cards that I have picked up many, many times in the last few days.

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