Sunday, November 26, 2006

It ain't all a bed of roses.

Michael and I usually post about cute, charming, funny, exciting things on chezlong. Today, we have nothing of the sort to post. It has been a fairly miserable day. Nothing extraordinary, but miserable none the less.

It started out last night. Miranda, god bless her, slept 9 hours...straight. Sounds great, huh? Except, I had no idea she was capable of this, so when Elizabeth woke up at 12:30 (after 6 hours), I couldn't go back to sleep in anticipation of Miranda waking up. When I finally gave up waiting, Parker woke up screaming. Multiple times. He wanted Mommy, then Daddy, then milk, then no milk, then water, then no water. He did this about every 45 minutes until 4am, when I was finally able to go to sleep for about 45 minutes. Unfortunately, Dad got up then to feed Miranda who finally woke up and then Elizabeth who woke up just after her. He knew Parker would be waking up shortly, so he just stayed awake at that point. So in case you aren't doing the math, I got about 3 hours of sleep (plus a couple hours in the morning after Parker woke up) and Michael got only slightly more at 6 hours.

Then today, Parker continued his mood by whining and crying almost non stop. I took him and Elizabeth to Tumble and Tea at 8:30 in the hopes of letting Dad get some sleep. He cried almost the whole time and poor Dad got no sleep either at home as Miranda wasn't having a nap. So I returned in tears to a sleepy Daddy. Luckily my tears won out and I got a nap. But Parker woke up from his nap after 30 minutes. I took him into bed with me and we both slept for another hour and a half. Thank god. Dad, unfortunately, didn't get any sleep as Elizabeth, who hadn't taken a nap yet today, wouldn't go to sleep.

After everyone woke up, we all hung out for a bit and then I tried to let Michael nap again by taking Parker to Barnes and Noble where there is a train table and lots of books. But, once again, he cried and whined almost the whole time. This combined with the traffic and the rain and the long line at the starbucks which I didn't stand in, made the trip most unpleasant.

When I returned, the look on Michael's face was just pitiful. Apparently, Elizabeth still wouldn't sleep so he didn't get his nap either. Miranda slept well and woke up on cue for food.

Dad finally got his short nap from 5 to 6 while I hung out with the kids.

And then the bedtime routine and witching hour started.

All in all...Yuck.

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